House Republican Policy Committee Meeting

Jun. 12, 2023 / Embed

Public hearing on Negative Impacts of the Democrats' Energy Tax

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing – Pregnancy Centers Helping Mothers and Fathers

Jun. 07, 2023 / Embed

Public hearing on Pregnancy Resource Centers - Helping Mothers and Fathers

Energy Tax Will Cripple Pennsylvania Families

Jun. 06, 2023 / Embed

PA House GOP Policy Committee Chairman Josh Kail leads a press conference discussing the negative impacts of the energy tax found in Gov. Josh Shapiro’s and House Democrats’ budget plan for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year.

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing

Apr. 27, 2023 / Embed

Public hearing on "Manufacturing Our Way into the Future". The focus of the hearing is to discuss Pennsylvania's role in promoting cutting-edge manufacturing and how we prepare our workforce for the jobs of tomorrow.

House Republican Policy Committee

Mar. 22, 2023 / Embed

Public hearing on "Obstacles To Opportunity: PA's Permitting Process" The purpose of the hearing is to hear the challenges of Pennsylvania's permitting process and to explore possible solutions.

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing

Mar. 16, 2023 / Embed

The House Republican Policy Committee discusses educational opportunities for children.

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing Infrastructure & Transportation

Mar. 09, 2023 / Embed

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing Infrastructure & Transportation.

House Republican Policy Committee

Feb. 21, 2023 / Embed

Impacts & Solutions Charting a Path Through Common Sense State Regulatory Reform.

Cutler, Kail Call on Democrats to Show Urgency to Help Pennsylvanians

Feb. 15, 2023 / Embed

Republican Leader Bryan Cutler and GOP Policy Chair Joshua Kail hold a press conference calling for House Speaker Mark Rozzi and Democrat lawmakers to get back to work immediately so the chamber can pass legislation that eases the burdens on our local heroes.

House Republican Policy Committee Hearing

Feb. 15, 2023 / Embed

The House Republican Policy Committee hears testimony from law enforcement officers who explain to the committee that police throughout Pennsylvania are undermanned, underfunded, and lacking in overall support.